lapid-, lapis-
(Latin: stone, rock)
dilapidate (di LAP i dayt") (verb), dilapidates; dilapidated; dilapidating
1. To cause or to collapse into a state of partial or total destruction, decay, or disrepair: Many homes and buildings have been dilapidated by the fires that took place in Tom's neighborhood and beyond into an extended geographical area.
2. Etymology: from Latin dilapidare, "to demolish, to destroy"; from di-, dis', "apart" + lapidare, "to throw stones"; from lapis, lapid-, "stone".
2. Etymology: from Latin dilapidare, "to demolish, to destroy"; from di-, dis', "apart" + lapidare, "to throw stones"; from lapis, lapid-, "stone".
dilapidated (di LAP i day" tid) (adjective), more dilapidated, most dilapidated
A reference to a deplorable or terrible condition or situation: Sam's car was in a dilapidated, or battered, shape after the truck rammed into it on the street where it was parked.

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The disrepair for which a tenant is usually liable when he or she has agreed to leave a house in good condition: When Jack and Jill moved to a new condo, they had to renew the dilapidations that occurred over the many years that they had lived there.
2. The condition of deterioration or being in a situation of disrepair: The old church was in a state of dilapidation, needing a lot of money and work to fix the walls and the ceiling.
2. The condition of deterioration or being in a situation of disrepair: The old church was in a state of dilapidation, needing a lot of money and work to fix the walls and the ceiling.
A clearing away of rocks: An elapidation, or a removal of piles of stones and pebbles, had to be performed on the premises before construction of a new building could begin.
inlapidate (noun), inlapidates; inlapidated; inlapidating
To petrify or to change into a stony substance: The process of inlapidating involves organic material becoming a fossil through the replacement of the original material and the filling of the original pore spaces with rocky minerals.
lapidarian (lap" uh DAR ee uhn) (adjective), more lapidarian, most lapidarian
Pertaining to working with precious stones or rubies and other gems: Jane had a lapidarian position at the company because she used silver and gold metal with exquisite jewels to make lovely necklaces, earrings, and rings.
An expert who deals with pieces of mineral crystal which, when cut and polished, is used to make jewelry or other adornments: A lapidarist uses precious stones and his or her skills to cut or to carve them into valuable rings, bracelets, and necklaces.
A place where stone monuments and fragments of archaeological interests are exhibited: Lapidaria often include stone epigraphs, architectural elements; such as, columns, cornices, bas reliefs (sculpted elements that are attached to a solid background of the same material), tombstones, and sarcophagi (stone coffins that have carvings, statues, or inscriptions).
1. Descriptive of gems and precious stones, or the art of working with them: Ted's jewelry store is considered to be the best lapidary place to buy necklaces and rings.
2. Conveying the refinement and precision characteristic of valuable stonecutting: Mary was very pleased when Madison gave her the lapidary ring for their wedding anniversary.
3. Etymology: from Latin lapidarius, from lapis, lapod-, "stone".
2. Conveying the refinement and precision characteristic of valuable stonecutting: Mary was very pleased when Madison gave her the lapidary ring for their wedding anniversary.
3. Etymology: from Latin lapidarius, from lapis, lapod-, "stone".
1. A dealer or salesperson who is a connoisseur of valuable jewelry: When Tom and Janice went to the shop selling watches and precious stones, the lapidary showed them many exquisite rings that they might like for their wedding.
2. A specialist who cuts, polishes, or engraves gems or precious stones: Jack wanted to have the ring for his wife inscribed with the date of their marriage, so he went to a lapidary to have it done.

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2. A specialist who cuts, polishes, or engraves gems or precious stones: Jack wanted to have the ring for his wife inscribed with the date of their marriage, so he went to a lapidary to have it done.

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lapidate (LAP uh dayt", LAP i dayt") (verb), lapidates; lapidated; lapidating
1. To hit or to attack someone by throwing rocks at him or her: To lapidate anyone means that he or she is being stoned to death or seriously injured.
2. Etymology: from Latin lapidatus, which is from lapidare, "to stone".
2. Etymology: from Latin lapidatus, which is from lapidare, "to stone".
A method of capital punishment whereby a group throws stones at someone until he or she dies: During the process of lapidation, no individual among the group can be identified as the one who actually kills the subject.
lapideous (lap" i DEE uhs) (adjective), more lapideous, most lapideous
Relating to something that has the appearance or texture of stone: When the Jacksons were renovating their home, they decided to buy a lapideous sculpture of an ancient Greek statue as a form of historical art.
lapidicole (lap" i dee KOHL) (verb), lapidicoles; lapidicoled; lapidicoling
Living or dwelling under or among stones: Beetles and other insects are known to lapidicole in rocky areas.
lapidicolous (adjective), more lapidicolous, most lapidicolous
Referring to living under rocks: Blind ground beetles dwell and survive quite well next to the soil below stones or boulders, and with time have taken on the aspects of cave inhabitants.
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