lalo-, lallo-, lalio-, lal-, -lalia, -lalic +

(Greek: speech, babbling, chattering; abnormal or disordered forms of speech)

agitolalia (s) (noun), agitolalias (pl)
Abnormally rapid speech in which words are imperfectly spoken or lost in a sentence: When James was intensely nervous, he suffered from agitolalia, causing the others unable to understand him!
1. An inability to speak.
2. Loss of the power of speech due to an impairment of the articulatory apparatus (voice box).
allolalia (s) (noun) (no pl)
A speech defect that results from a disorder of the speech center: Susan was diagnosed by Dr. Kilfoil as having allolalia, which resulted from a cerebral injury.

Allolalia is a type of dysphasia in which words are spoken unintentionally, or inappropriate words are substituted for appro0priate ones.

A special (sexual) attraction to an old woman or elderly women in general.
1. The tendency to repeat several times in a meaningless manner the last syllable of a word, the last word of a sentence, or even the last part of a phrase.
2. The repetition of some or all words in one's statements.
3. A morbid repetition of another person's or one's own words.
4. Parrot-like repetition of words and phrases initially uttered by the patient himself/herself; seen in catatonic schizophrenia and in certain cerebral degenerative disorders.
A form of paralalia (utterance of a vocal sound other than the one desired) that is shown when speaking a foreign language.
A thick, indistinct speech resulting from imperfect articulation.
1. Abnormally slow utterance of words due to a brain lesion or mental disorder; also bradyarthria, bradyphasia, and bradyphrasia.
2. Abnormal slowness or deliberation in speech.

It may be occasioned by organic or psychological pathology or both and is common in depressed conditions.

cacolalia (s) (noun), cacolalias (pl)
The involuntary use of vulgar or obscene words, as seen in some schizophrenics: During the students' tour of the medical ward, the doctor pointed out a patient that suffered with cacolalia and who was sitting quietly while muttering indecent and offensive words, apparently not realizing what he was saying.
1. A pathological use of obscene or filthy language.
2. The excessive and uncontrollable use of foul or obscene language, including words related to feces (bowel waste).
3. A compulsive, stereotyped use of obscene language, particularly of words relating to feces; seen in some cases of schizophrenia (mental disorder) and Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.

Coprolalia is a typical symptom of Tourette syndrome, a condition that has its onset in childhood and is characterized by compulsive arm movements, facial tics, grunting, groaning and shouting.

Aside from coprolalia, there is often echolalia, the involuntary parrot-like repetition (echoing) of a word or sentence just spoken by another person. People with Tourette syndrome do not usually curse out of anger or displeasure but out of uncontrollable compulsion. They cannot help themselves. The disease is also called Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.

An obsession to involuntarily utter vulgar or obscene words.
Talking about female genitals; such as, the vagina.
1. An inability to speak due to a defect of the organs of speech.
2. An articulation disorder resulting from impaired hearing or structural abnormalities of the articulatory organs.
Habitual or pathological repetition of others' words or remarks.
Characteristic of echolalia; that is, habitual or pathological repetition of words or remarks made by others.
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.": cit-; clam-; dic-; fa-; -farious; glosso-; glotto-; linguo-; locu-; logo-; loqu-; mythico-; -ology; ora-; -phasia; -phemia; phon-; phras-; Quotes: Language,Part 1; Quotes: Language, Part 2; Quotes: Language, Part 3; serm-; tongue; voc-.