lacrimo-, lacrim-, lacri-, lachrymo-, lacrym-, lacrymi-, lachry- +
(Latin: a tear, or tears [from the eyes]; as when crying, etc.)
1. The secretion of tears; specifically: abnormal or excessive secretion of tears due to local or systemic disease.
2. Shedding tears in excess.
2. Shedding tears in excess.
1. A "tear-bottle;" a narrow-necked vessel found in sepulchers of the ancient Romans; so called from a former notion that the tears of the deceased person's friends were collected in it.
2. Pertaining to, or causing the shedding of tears.
2. Pertaining to, or causing the shedding of tears.
A lachrymatory agent or lachrymator is a chemical compound that irritates the eyes to cause tears, pain, and even temporary blindness.
Tear gas and pepper spray are lachrymatory agents that are also used as riot control elements and chemical warfare agents.
Certain lachrymatory agents are often used by the police to assist in controlling offenders, most notably "tear gas" and "mace".
A person who has a tendency to cry often: Norbert's wife was diagnosed as an overly sensitive lachrymist who often shed tears while she was watching TV dramas and movies.
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lachrymose (adjective), more lachrymose, most lachrymose
A reference to a tendency to cause tears; mournful: Sara couldn't keep from weeping during the lachrymose drama; especially, when the hero died of his wounds at the end of the play.
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Consuelo's little lachrymose baby girl was crying quite often because she was so sick and feeling miserable .

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lachrymosely (adverb), more lachrymosely, most lachrymosely
Descriptive of someone or those who shed tears excessively: Fay is lachrymosely weeping over a very sad movie she saw on TV.
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Although the cartoon is related to an adjective, it helps to illustrate the meaning of this adverb entry.

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Causing or tending to cause tears.
The watery secretion or the fluid that comes from the eyes: "The lacrima serves to moisten the conjunctiva or the mucous membranes lining the eyelids."
lacrimal apparatus
The mechanism for secreting tears and draining them into the nasal cavity, consisting of the lacrimal gland, lake, puncta, canaliculi, sac, and the nasolacrimal duct.
lacrimal bone
A thin, delicate bone at the anterior part of the medial wall of the orbit; the smallest bone of the face.
lacrimal, lachrymal (adjective); more lacrimal, lachrymal; most lacrimal, lachrymal
1 Relating to, associated with, located near, or consisting of the glands that produce tears: Etta's lachrymal glands were blocked and her eyes were uncomfortably dry and sore.
2 Of or relating to tears: Maribel had lacrimal effusions from her eyes when her husband died of a sudden heart attack.
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2 Of or relating to tears: Maribel had lacrimal effusions from her eyes when her husband died of a sudden heart attack.

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A craniometric point situated at the junction of the crest of the lacrimal bone and the frontolacrimal suture.
An imperfect valve at the opening of the nasolacrimal duct into the inferior meatus of the nose; also called, the valve of Hasner.
1. The normal secretion of tears.
2. The secretion and discharge of tears; specifically: abnormal or excessive secretion of tears due to local or systemic disease.
3. Shedding tears in excess.
2. The secretion and discharge of tears; specifically: abnormal or excessive secretion of tears due to local or systemic disease.
3. Shedding tears in excess.
A substance that increases the flow of tears; such as, tear gas.
1. A "tear-bottle;" a narrow-necked vessel found in sepulchers of the ancient Romans; so called from a former notion that the tears of the deceased person's friends were collected in it.
2. Pertaining to, or causing the production and shedding of tears.
2. Pertaining to, or causing the production and shedding of tears.
Related "tear, tears from the eyes" word unit: dacryo-, dacry-.
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