kine-, kin-, kino-, kinesio-, kinesi-, kineto-, kinet-, -kinesia, -kinesis, -kinetic, -kinesias, -kineses, -kinetical, -kinetically

(Greek: move, set in motion; muscular activity)

1. An abnormally intense motor activity, often associated with agitation.
2. Certain recurring or continuous involuntary movements seen in disease of the central nervous system; such as, chorea (ceaseless rapid complex body movements that look well coordinated and purposeful but are, in fact, involuntary) and athetosis (repetitive involuntary, slow, sinuous, writhing movements; or twisting, snake-like, or worm-like movements).
1. Having, or exhibiting, hyperkinesia or hyperactivity (abnormally intense movements).
2. Wildly fast-paced or excited; frenetic: "The clerk presented a hyperkinetic sales pitch on the phone."
ion kinetic energy spectrometry
1. In spectroscopy, a spectroscopic technique for analyzing the energy of ionic products produced when a beam of ions having high kinetic energy is passed through a field-free reaction chamber.
2. A spectrometric technique that uses a beam of ions of high kinetic energy passing through a field-free reaction chamber from which ionic products are collected and energy analyzed.

It is a generalization of metastable ion studies in which both uni-molecular and bi-molecular reactions are investigated.

iridokinesis, iridokinesia
1. The contraction and expansion of the iris.
2. The movement of the iris in contracting and dilating the pupil.
1. Relating to the movements of the iris.
2. A reference to iridokinesis.
Characterized by no disturbance to the speed and direction of a fluid when it is withdrawn as a sample from a flow.
A reference to the division of the cell nucleus by mitosis.
kinaesthetic, kinesthetic (adjective); more kinaesthetic, most kinaesthetic; more kinesthetic, most kinesthetic
1. The sensation of position, movement, tension, etc. of parts of the body perceived through nerve-end organs in muscles, tendons, and joints: Dancing is a very kinaesthetic activity in that Susan has to be aware of her body positions, movements, etc.
2. A system used to teach reading and spelling by means of the sensations perceived through movements and feelings, such as following the written word with one’s finger in sand, on a rough paper towel, or on sandpaper which results in an automatic muscular response when one actually writes the word with a pen or a pencil: Martin's son learned his alphabet through the kinesthetic method by tracing letters on a rough paper surface with his finger.

Related "move, motion" word units: cine-; mobil-; mot-, mov-; oscillo-; seismo-; vibro-.