kary-, karyo-, cary-, caryo- +
(Greek: nut, walnut; kernel; cell, cell nucleus)
A diploid nucleus containing two haploid sets of chromosomes.
Variation in size of nuclei, greater than the normal range for a tissue.
An organism that is produced from an egg that only has paternal chromosomes.
asymmetric karyokinesis
A mitotic division in which the chromosome compllement is unequally distributed to the two daughter cells.
caryochrome, karyochrome
1. In neurology, a term applied to certain nerve-cells in the cerebellum, reticular membrane, and olfactory bulbs which exhibit a staining of the nucleus only when treated by the Nissl method used to highlight important structural features of neurons (named for Franz Nissl [1860-1919], German neurologist).
2. The cell of a nerve with an easily staining nucleus.
2. The cell of a nerve with an easily staining nucleus.
1. A fecal mass having a round nut-like form.
2. The bodily elimination of feces in the form of discrete nut-like masses.
2. The bodily elimination of feces in the form of discrete nut-like masses.
A dry indehiscent fruit (fruit that does not open up to release seeds when ripe) containing a single seed and derived from a single carpel, the wall of which fuses with the seed wall during development.
In biology, a cell that contains two or more different nuclei: A heterokaryon can be a fungal cell containing two or more nuclei that are genetically dissimilar to each other.
hyperchromatic karyokinesis
1. A mitotic division in which the chromosome complement is unequally distributed to the two daughter cells.
hypochromatic karyokinesis
A nuclear division in which the number of chromosomes involved is lower than the normal number.
karyochromatophil, caryochromatophil
Having a nucleus in a cell which has a high affinity for stains.
karyochrome, caryochrome, karyochrome cell
1. A nerve cell whose nucleus is deeply stainable while its body is not.
2. A nerve cell body having little or no Nissl substance (granular endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes) visible but a nucleus that stains intensely.
2. A nerve cell body having little or no Nissl substance (granular endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes) visible but a nucleus that stains intensely.
karyoclastic, karyoklastic
1. A reference to the disintegration of a cell nucleus or nuclear membrane.
2. A descriptive term indicating the ability to reversibly suppress mitosis without being lethal to the cell.
2. A descriptive term indicating the ability to reversibly suppress mitosis without being lethal to the cell.
karyocyte, caryocyte
Any nucleated cell.
A reference to a conjugation of cells characterized by a fusion of the nuclei.
A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to "cell, cells, cell nucleus": celli-; cellulo-; cyto-; endothelio-; gameto-; glio-; neuro-.
Here is a general explanation about Cells and their Compositions.