(Latin: whole, complete)
Starting over again; a fresh start.
Beta decay is the disintegration of the nucleus of an atom to produce a beta particle, or high-speed electron, and an electron-antineutrino.
During beta decay a neutron in the nucleus changes into a proton, thereby increasing the atomic number by one while the mass number stays the same.
The concept is applied primarily in drinking water management.
"When an organization or society deintegrates, it ends up as no longer working effectively and so it fails completely."
2. To separate or break off as particles or fragments from the whole mass or body: "The workers were disintegrating the big stones that were blocking the construction of the new highway and then they were using the disintegrated material for the
It is primarily used where precise control is not required; such as, for removing broken drills and taps.
The massive ENIAC, which weighed 30 tons and filled an entire room, used some 18,000 vacuum tubes, 70,000 resistors, and 10,000 capacitors.
In December, 1945, it solved its first problem regarding the calculations for the hydrogen bomb. After its official unveiling in 1946, it was used to prepare artillery-shell trajectory tables and perform other military and scientific calculations.