inguin-, inguino-; inguen-, ingueno- +

(Latin: groin)

Referring to the loins and the groin or to the lumbar (referring to the loins, the part of the back between the thorax and the pelvis) and the inguinal regions.
retroinguinal space, spatium retroinguinale
A triangular space between the peritoneum and the transversalis fascia (flat layers of fibrous tissue that separate different layers of tissue of the abdominal cavity), at the lower angle of which is the inguinal ligament; it contains the lower portion of the external iliac artery.
tinea inguinalis, tinea cruris
A fungal infection of the perineum (the region between the thighs), better known as jock itch.

This condition is often treated with clotrimazole (antifungal drug) or miconazole cream (antifungal agent). Good general hygiene is vital in the prevention of tinea cruris.

Keep the groin area clean and dry and avoid chafing. Launder athletic supporters frequently. Use an antifungal, or drying powder, after taking a shower.

ventro-inguinal, ventro inguinal
Referring both to the abdomen and groin, or to the abdomen and inguinal canal; as, ventro-inguinal hernia.