-ile, -il
(Latin: suffix; ability to, capable of, suitable for; pertaining to, like, belonging to, tending to)
agile (adjective), more agile, most agile
1. Referring to a person or animal able to move quickly and with suppleness, skill, and control: The members of the trapeze troupe were all very agile and never made a mistake in their perfmance.
2. The ability to think quickly and intelligently; alert: Even though Ingrid was a centenarian, she still had an agile mind.
2. The ability to think quickly and intelligently; alert: Even though Ingrid was a centenarian, she still had an agile mind.
docile (adjective), more docile, most docile
1. A reference to willingness and being prepared to be taught; teachable.
2. A tendency to follow instructions, directions, or to be managed.
3. Quiet, easy to control, and unlikely to cause trouble.
2. A tendency to follow instructions, directions, or to be managed.
3. Quiet, easy to control, and unlikely to cause trouble.
1. The country that someone lives in or has as his or her permanent home: As a professional photographer for his newspaper, Robert travels to different nations to work, but his domicile, or main residence, is in Canada.
2. The house, apartment, or other place where someone lives; a dwelling place: Mr. Smart decided to build his little domicile next to a lovely lake.
3. In law, someone’s true, fixed, and legally recognized place of residence in cases of prolonged absence that require the person to prove a continuing and significant connection with the country: Joe lived and worked as a teacher at a German school overseas, and his domicile was in Stuttgart, Germany, where he was lawfully registered as a civil servant and was paid by the government.
4. A place where a company or other organization is registered, especially for tax reasons: Sharon's firm is thinking of moving its domicile, or premises, from Hungary to Italy in order to increase the sales of its products.

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2. The house, apartment, or other place where someone lives; a dwelling place: Mr. Smart decided to build his little domicile next to a lovely lake.
3. In law, someone’s true, fixed, and legally recognized place of residence in cases of prolonged absence that require the person to prove a continuing and significant connection with the country: Joe lived and worked as a teacher at a German school overseas, and his domicile was in Stuttgart, Germany, where he was lawfully registered as a civil servant and was paid by the government.
4. A place where a company or other organization is registered, especially for tax reasons: Sharon's firm is thinking of moving its domicile, or premises, from Hungary to Italy in order to increase the sales of its products.

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facile (adjective), more facile, most facile
1. Descriptive of someone who can do something easily and effortlessly, either in a good way or bad way: Ted's school had no problem of winning the football game because the facile players were all fast and coordinated.
2. Relating to something which indicates a lack of intelligence, thinking, or is without depth; superficial: Thomas came up with a facile solution to the most complicated matter, which, of course, was dismissed very quickly because a lot of important issues had not been thought through.
3. Concerning a person who acts, speaks, or works with complete ease and in a natural and flowing way: Susi had great talent as a writer and she loved to compose her stories in a facile and relaxed way!

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2. Relating to something which indicates a lack of intelligence, thinking, or is without depth; superficial: Thomas came up with a facile solution to the most complicated matter, which, of course, was dismissed very quickly because a lot of important issues had not been thought through.
3. Concerning a person who acts, speaks, or works with complete ease and in a natural and flowing way: Susi had great talent as a writer and she loved to compose her stories in a facile and relaxed way!

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fertile (adjective), more fertile, most fertile
1. Pertaining to being productive and capable of nurturing development: Her fertile imagination helped Madam "Z" write her fantasy novels which were very popular.
After the floods which deposited new soil and nutrients, the fertile soil produced a bumper crop of tomatoes for the Bell family.
2. Etymology: from Middle French (1400 to about 1600) fertil and directly from Latin fertilis, "bearing in abundance, fruitful, productive"; from Latin ferre, "to bear, to carry".
fragile (adjective), more fragile, most fragile
1. Referring to something that does not have a strong structure or is not made of robust materials, and therefore is easily broken or damaged: The old diaries were very fragile and Grace had to be very careful when she turned the pages because they were exceptionally dry and brittle.
2. Relating to anyone or anything that is unlikely to withstand any severe stresses and strains: David and Karon decided not to have any children because they both had fragile conditions and didn't feel strong enough physically to deal with children.
3. Pertaining to a person's weak bodily condition; usually, as a result of an illness: After Bob's operation and having spent many weeks in rehab, he was very fragile when he finally came home and couldn't do any physical work.

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2. Relating to anyone or anything that is unlikely to withstand any severe stresses and strains: David and Karon decided not to have any children because they both had fragile conditions and didn't feel strong enough physically to deal with children.
3. Pertaining to a person's weak bodily condition; usually, as a result of an illness: After Bob's operation and having spent many weeks in rehab, he was very fragile when he finally came home and couldn't do any physical work.

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infantile (adjective), more infantile, most infantile
1. Showing a lack of maturity; childish.
2. Relating to babies or very young children.
2. Relating to babies or very young children.
1. Young; youthful; also, immature.
2. Designed for or proper to young people; such as, "Some books are published for the juvenile market."
3. The period in an individual's life cycle that lasts from the eruption of the first to the eruption of the last permanent teeth.
4. Immature or childish: "The man's juvenile behavior made him unacceptable for the position."
5. A description or a plant or animal that has not yet reached maturity.
6. A bird that has developed contour feathers but is not yet sexually mature.
7. Characteristics of water or gas that has risen to the earth's surface for the first time.
2. Designed for or proper to young people; such as, "Some books are published for the juvenile market."
3. The period in an individual's life cycle that lasts from the eruption of the first to the eruption of the last permanent teeth.
4. Immature or childish: "The man's juvenile behavior made him unacceptable for the position."
5. A description or a plant or animal that has not yet reached maturity.
6. A bird that has developed contour feathers but is not yet sexually mature.
7. Characteristics of water or gas that has risen to the earth's surface for the first time.
1. Moving or capable of moving readily or easily; especially, to move from place to place.
2. Capable of being moved; not fixed in place or condition; movable.
3. Characterised by an extreme degree of fluidity; moving or flowing with great freedom; such as, benzine and mercury are mobile liquids as opposed to viscous, viscoidal, or oily.
4. Capable of being moved, aroused, or excited; for example, capable of spontaneous movement.
5. A piece of sculpture having delicately balanced units constructed of rods and sheets of metal or other material suspended in midair by wires or twines so that the individual parts can move independently, as when pushed by a breeze.
2. Capable of being moved; not fixed in place or condition; movable.
3. Characterised by an extreme degree of fluidity; moving or flowing with great freedom; such as, benzine and mercury are mobile liquids as opposed to viscous, viscoidal, or oily.
4. Capable of being moved, aroused, or excited; for example, capable of spontaneous movement.
5. A piece of sculpture having delicately balanced units constructed of rods and sheets of metal or other material suspended in midair by wires or twines so that the individual parts can move independently, as when pushed by a breeze.
tactile (adjective), more tactile, most tactile
1. Relating to or pertaining to the sense of touch: An infant's tactile development is believed to take place quickly at his or her early age level.
3. Etymology: from Latin tactilis which came from tangere, "to touch".

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Because of the callouses on Clark's hands, they have lost their normal tactile sensitivity.
Tactile indications of disease are signs that are perceptible by physical contact; such as, the roughness of the skin.
2. Descriptive of a part of the physical structure of a person or animal which is used for feeling: One of the most used tactile sections of the body are the fingers.3. Etymology: from Latin tactilis which came from tangere, "to touch".

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1. Of, belonging to, or characteristic of a man; manly, masculine; marked by strength or force.
2. Characteristic of male sex.
2. Characteristic of male sex.
volatile (adjective), more volatile, most volatile
1. A reference to something which quickly evaporates at normal pressures and temperatures: One volatile substance is acetone, which is used in varnishes as a solvent, and it can pass off readily as a vapor; especially, when heated.
2. Descriptive of something that is capable of being readily vaporized: A volatile anesthetic is a chemical compound which can be administered by inhalation when using an anesthesia mask.
3. Relating to someone who is violent or explosive in nature: Steven was known to have a volatile and erratic temper, so he didn’t have many friends.
4. Pertaining to a condition which tends to or threaten ot to break out into open violence; explosive: There are many volatile situations in the current U.S. political administration.
5. Etymology: from Latin volatilis, "fleeting, transitory; swift, rapid; flying"; from volare, "to fly" or from volo, "I fly."

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2. Descriptive of something that is capable of being readily vaporized: A volatile anesthetic is a chemical compound which can be administered by inhalation when using an anesthesia mask.
3. Relating to someone who is violent or explosive in nature: Steven was known to have a volatile and erratic temper, so he didn’t have many friends.
4. Pertaining to a condition which tends to or threaten ot to break out into open violence; explosive: There are many volatile situations in the current U.S. political administration.
5. Etymology: from Latin volatilis, "fleeting, transitory; swift, rapid; flying"; from volare, "to fly" or from volo, "I fly."

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