idol-, idolo-
(Latin: image, likeness, specter, apparition)
From Greek eido-, form, shape.
1. An image of a god, used as an object or instrument of worship.
2. In monotheistic (one God) belief, any heathen deity.
2. In monotheistic (one God) belief, any heathen deity.
1. Someone who worships idols.
2. Anyone who pays divine honors to images, statues, or natural objects as representations of deities.
3. An adorer; a great admirer; a worshiper.
2. Anyone who pays divine honors to images, statues, or natural objects as representations of deities.
3. An adorer; a great admirer; a worshiper.
A woman who worships idols.
idolatrize, idolatrizing
To pay idolatrous worship.
1. Having worshiped idols.
2. Having paid idolatrous worship.
2. Having paid idolatrous worship.
Of the nature of, or resembling, idolatry; given to idolatry.
In an idolatrous manner: "The people idolatrously worshiped the Golden Calf."
1. The worship of idols.
2. The worship of images that are not God.
3. Paying divine honors to images, statues, or natural objects as representations of deities.
2. The worship of images that are not God.
3. Paying divine honors to images, statues, or natural objects as representations of deities.
Idolatry is the worship of idols by anyone who pays divine honors to images, statues, or representations of any thing made by hands; pagan worship including sacrifices of animals or humans.

The worship of idols.
A worshiper of idols.
idolization, idolisation (UK)
1. To worship blindly as a god; broadly applied, to love or admire someone, or something, to excess.
2. The act of idolizing, adoring, or worshiping; especially, to excess.
2. The act of idolizing, adoring, or worshiping; especially, to excess.
idolize (IGH duhl ighz") (verb), idolizes; idolized; idolizing
To feel great admiration or love for someone or something, often to excess: Gertrude idolized her favorite writer by buying every book that he had published during the twenty years he was an author.

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1. Regarded with deep or rapturous love; especially, as if for a god.
2. Someone who has been admired and respected very much; often too much.
2. Someone who has been admired and respected very much; often too much.
Descriptive writing about idols.
Divination with idols, figures, or images: The answers given by the utilization of idolomancy may come through dreams, by drawing lots, or anything else that believers may attribute to the power of such images.
Related religious-word units: church; dei-, div-; ecclesi-; fanati-; hiero-; -olatry; theo-; zelo-.
Related image, likeness, figure unit: icon-.
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