(Latin: a suffix; meaning, state, condition; having, being, pertaining to, tending to, inclinded to)
avid (adjective), more avid, most avid
1. Marked by an active and keen interest and enthusiasm for something: Cherie's mother was an avid football fan.
2. Ardently, or excessively, desirous: Ivan's most avid wish is to travel as often as possible.
3. Having an ardent desire or unbounded craving; greedy: As far back as James can remember, his sister always had an avid desire to read books.
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2. Ardently, or excessively, desirous: Ivan's most avid wish is to travel as often as possible.
3. Having an ardent desire or unbounded craving; greedy: As far back as James can remember, his sister always had an avid desire to read books.

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florid (adjective)
1. Elaborately or excessively ornamented in wording and style or overly complicated in wording and general style: "The mayor gave a florid welcoming speech to the foreign visitor."
2. Having an unhealthily glowing pink or red complexion: "Ceri's face was florid or tinged with red after being out in the sun so long."
2. Having an unhealthily glowing pink or red complexion: "Ceri's face was florid or tinged with red after being out in the sun so long."
"Dennis wiped the sweat off his florid face and neck as he was working out in the fitness studio during the summer heat."
3. Etymology: "strikingly beautiful", from French floride, "flourishing"; from Latin floridus, "flowery, in bloom", from flos, "flower"."When florid came into English, it was used with the literal meaning "covered with flowers". English speakers borrowed it from the Latin adjective floridus, "blooming" or "flowery" which is from the verb flor?re, "to bloom".
"Now, florid also refers to an excessive style of speech, writing, or decoration."
1. Very cold in temperature: The frigidness of the climate was not what we expected on our trip.
2. Without warmth of feeling; without ardor or enthusiasm: There was a frigidness in the reaction to the suggested new law.
3. Stiff or formal: The welcome that Sharon received was polite but had some frigidness, too.
4. Unemotional or unimaginative; lacking passion, sympathy, or sensitivity: At the funeral, the elderly Mrs. Thompson showed a lot of frigidness because she didn't like the deceased at all and wanted to go home as soon as possible.
2. Without warmth of feeling; without ardor or enthusiasm: There was a frigidness in the reaction to the suggested new law.
3. Stiff or formal: The welcome that Sharon received was polite but had some frigidness, too.
4. Unemotional or unimaginative; lacking passion, sympathy, or sensitivity: At the funeral, the elderly Mrs. Thompson showed a lot of frigidness because she didn't like the deceased at all and wanted to go home as soon as possible.
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