-ics, -tics [-ac after i]

(Greek: a suffix that forms nouns and is usually used to form names of arts and sciences)

Substances that are sufficiently nontoxic to the host are used as chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of infectious diseases of man, animals, and plants.
Drugs used to prevent nausea or vomiting. Antiemetics act by a wide range of mechanisms. Some act on the medullary contol centers (the vomiting center and the chemoreceptive trigger zone) while others affect the peripheral receptors.
aquaponics (s) (noun) (no pl)
The cultivation of plants in a nutrient solution (water) rather than in soil; hydroponics: Mr. Wood used a system of aquaponics, in which his plants flourished in wastewater from fish tanks that provided the nutrition needed for his plants.
aquapontics (pl) (used in the singular) (noun)
1. The integration of aquaculture and hydroponics.

An aquaculture is used to continuously generate a nutrient-rich solution to feed a hydroponic garden. Aquaponic systems can be used to duplicate controlled wetland conditions that are useful for reclaiming potable water from typical household sewage, in addition to generating a continual supply of food with minimal fertilizer use.

2. The integration of hydroponics (growing plants without soil) and aquaculture (the cultivation of the natural produce of water such as fish or shellfish).

Aquaponic systems combine the best of both worlds. Fish are raised in one area and the plants in another. The waste from the fish is pumped into a holding area where it is usually treated with bacterial agents that help break it down. Then the treated waste is pumped in the plant area to be used as fertilizer for growing. The used water is pumped from the plant area back to the fish.

aquatic (adjective)
1. Consisting of, relating to, or being in water: "an aquatic environment" or "an aquatic habitat" (ponds, lakes, streams, oceans, etc.).
2. Living or growing in, on, or near the water: "aquatic animals and plants".
3. Taking place or practiced on or in water: "aquatic sports".
archaeo-geophysics, archeo-geophysics; archaeogeophysics, archeogeophysics (s) (noun) (no pl)
Any systematic collection of ancient geophysical data: The Geological Society in London has lecture programs set up regarding archaeo-geophysics for those who are interested in the ancient past.
1. The science of architecture.
2. Structural design.
3. In philosophy, the scientific systematization of knowledge.
A study involving the biological theory that species evolve in anticipation of the needs of an organism in its environment
aromatics (pl) (noun)
1. Having aromas; fragrant or sweet-smelling or pleasant-smelling herbs.
2. Aromatic plants or substances; such as, herbal medicines that have a pleasing odor and a pungent (harsh and bitter) taste.
The systematic planning and directing of spacecraft trajectories through the application of celestial mechanics and allied fields.
astrometric, astrometrics
A branch of astronomy that relates to the precise measurements and explanations of the positions and movements of stars and other celestial bodies.
astronautics (pl) (noun) (a plural which is used as singular)
The science and technology of space flight: Astronautics is the traveling beyond the earth's atmosphere, including interplanetary and interstellar areas.
astronics pitches
Cosmic sounds related to the psychic energy of the earth that a trained claraudient can hear which refers to a person who has the supposed power to hear things outside the range of normal perception.
1. The study of the physical properties, origin, and development of astronomical objects and events (takes a singular verb).
2. The branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of stellar phenomena or astronomical science.
3. That branch of astronomy which treats of the physical or chemical properties of the celestial bodies.

Pointing to a page about astrophysics Here is more information about astrophysics.

A claim of an inaudible noise that comes from the planets and stars and effects a psychological and physical response in human beings.

Studies supposedly show it can be predictable and it represents the "aspects" in astrology capable of being heard by clairaudients.