hypo-, hyp-
(Greek: under, below, beneath; less than; too little; deficient, diminished; used as a prefix)
A partial loss of hearing or a reduced sensitivity to sounds: Mr. Smith, the lawyer, found that the acoustic hypoesthesia which Shirley experienced created difficulty in the courtroom when she needed to hear everything that was said.
Abnormal coldness of the hands and feet: Acrohypothermia is often a condition in which patients with schizophrenia are commonly associated with "acrocyanosis", which is a bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes when a spasm of the blood vessels is caused by exposure to cold or because of strong emotion.
An abnormal coldness of the extremities of the body: The elderly Mrs. Roberts often complained that her fingers, hands, toes, and feet were so chilly, so when she asked her doctor about it, he said that she had a case of acrohypothermy.
A pea-sized gland anterior to the neurohypophysis, caudal to the hypothalamus, and sits in the medial aspect of the brain: The blood supply of the adenohypophysis is the hypophyseal artery and this gland secretes hormones into the hypophyseal vein.
Inflammatory reaction or sepsis affecting the anterior pituitary gland; Adenohypophysitis is often related to pregnancy.
Known as "vasodilatation", it is a dilatation of the blood vessels: especially, the functional increase of the arteriolar lumen.
The partial loss of hearing: The auditory hypoesthesia which Jack experienced was caused by the prolonged exposure to the sound of the jack hammer which he used for work.
A decreased sensibility of bodily parts which exist below the surface of the skin: The medication which Dr. Smith administered induced a state of bathyhypoesthesia, which caused Susan to be generally insensitive to pain.
A “short-footed (or short-legged) lizard” from Late Cretaceous central India. It is said to be named “short-legged lizard” because of the short length of the humerus. Named by Dhirendra Kishore Chakravarti in 1934.
Particles of extraterrestrial origin which are observed as black magnetic spherules in deep-sea sediments.
1. A hearing impairment consisting of an inadequate reception of sounds to the ears; partial deafness: The doctor told Etta that she had hypacusis which is why she was having so much trouble hearing what the speakers on her TV were saying and finding it necessary to ask people to repeat what they had just said because she simply could not hear everything that was spoken.
2. Etymology: from Greek hypo-, "under, less than" + Greek akousis, "hearing".
2. Etymology: from Greek hypo-, "under, less than" + Greek akousis, "hearing".
hypalgesic (adjective), more hypalgesic, most hypalgesic
A reference to a decreased or diminished sensitivity to pain: Following the operation on his leg, Jeff suffered from a hypalgesic condition and did not experience any agony when the doctor pricked his calf with a short object.