hyper-, hyp-

(Greek: above, over; excessive; more than normal; abnormal excess [in medicine]; abnormally great or powerful sensation [in physical or pathological terms]; highest [in chemical compounds])

acrohyperhidrosis (s) (noun) (no pl)
Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) of the hands and feet: The young man, Mr. Simmons, suffered from an immoderate amount of perspiration on his digital extremities, so he asked his doctor who told him that it was a condition of acrohyperhidrosis.
adenohypersthenia (s) (noun) (no pl)
The condition of abnormally great glandular activity; hypersecretion: Adenohypersthenia is an obsolete word for the excessive production of secretion by the glands.
alcoholemia (s) (noun), alcoholemias (pl)
The presence of ethanol in the blood: Alcoholemia is also said to be the blood-level of alcohol.
angiohypertonia (s) (noun), angiohypertonias (pl)
Also known as "vasospasm", the sudden decrease in the internal diameter of a blood vessel that results from contraction of smooth muscles within the wall of the vessel. An angiohypertonia causes a decrease in blood flow, but an increase in systemic vascular resistance or "vasoconstriction".
auditory hyperesthesia (s) (noun), auditory hyperesthesias (pl)
Abnormal acuteness of hearing due to the increased irritability of a sensory neural mechanism: During the recovery process from her accident, Monica seemed to experience auditory hyperesthesia and asked for a quiet room in the hospital.
bathyhyperesthesia (s) (noun), bathyhyperesthesias (pl)
The increased sensitiveness of the structures of the body: There are various bathyhyperesthesias that involve the excessive sensitivity of muscles and other deep bodily structures.

Having the flu seemed to bring on a state of bathyhyperesthesia for Helen because she seemed to feel the discomfort and ache of every muscle and joint in her body.

Profuse bromhidrosis. Also known as, bromohyperidrosis.
chloremia, hyperchloremia
An excess of chloride (salt of hydrochloric acid) in the blood.
colpohyperplasia (also kolpohyperplasia)
1. A thickening of the vaginal mucous membrane.
2. Excessive growth of the mucous membrane and the wall of the vagina.
electromagnetic hypersensitivity (s), EHS; electromagnetic hypersensitivities (pl) (nouns)
Adverse medical symptoms said to be caused by exposure to a physical field produced by moving electrically charged objects or physical properties of matter that causes it to experience a force when near other electrically charged material: "Research has indicated that those who suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity have symptoms that are caused by obscure or unknown sources including environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF) or electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), which is also referred to as electrohypersensitivity, electrosensitivity, and electrical sensitivity."

"Those who claim to suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity report having headaches, fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, skin symptoms like being stuck with needles, burning sensations and rashes, pains and aches in the muscles, and other health problems."

gastric hyperacidity
The secretion of increased amounts of acid by the stomach.
gustatory hyperesthesia (s) (noun), gustatory hyperesthesias (pl)
An oversensitivity of taste: If a cook has gustatory hyperesthesia, it may impede his or her success as a chef because that person needs to be able to taste the food for the correct amount of seasoning.
hemihyperhidrosis, hemidiaphoresis, hyperhidrosis unilateralis
Excessive sweating on one side of the body.
Muscular or osseous hypertrophy of one side of the face or body.
hyper- (Greek)
over; excessively

Related "above, over, beyond the normal, excessive" word units: epi-; super-, supra-, sur; ultra-, ult-.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "more, plentiful, fullness, excessive, over flowing": copi-; exuber-; multi-; opulen-; ple-; pleio-; plethor-; poly-; super-; total-; ultra-; undu-.