ambros-, ambro-, ambrot- +

(Greek: food of the gods that gave immortality; immortal, divine, excellent)

ambrosia (s) (noun), ambrosias (pl)
1. In Greek and Roman mythology, the food or drink of the gods thought to bestow immortality: Do you think that foods like figs dipped in honey are ambrosias and will give us immortality?
2. Something especially delicious to taste or smell: Nadine always thought her mother's baked cakes smelled and tasted like ambrosia.
3. A fruit dessert made of oranges and shredded coconut and sometimes pineapple: The recipe for ambrosia did not specify the exact amounts of each ingredient.
4. Etymology: borrowed perhaps through Middle French ambroysie, or directly from Latin ambrosia, from Greek ambrosia, feminine of ambrosios of the immortals; that is, gods, from ambrotos, "immortal" (a-, "not" + Greek brotos, "mortal" [from earlier mrotos] + -ia, a suffix that forms nouns).
ambrosiac (adjective), more ambrosiac, most ambrosiac
Originally the food of the gods, thought to confer immortality; delicious; sweet-smelling: An ambrosiac dessert consisting primarily of oranges and flaked coconut is totally delectable.

The perfume that Catherine uses has a most ambrosiac odor.

ambrosial (adjective), more ambrosial, most ambrosial
1. Pertaining to something fragrant or delicious: The food that was being prepared in the kitchen had a savouy and ambrosial smell and the family waited impatiently for dinner to start!

Certain cheeses that are exceptionally pleasing to taste can be described as ambrosial.
3. Of or worthy of the gods; divine: The wine was termed to be ambrosial and tasted heavenly, and fit for supreme beings!

1. Suggestive of ambrosia; fragrant or delicious.
2. A reference to being worthy of the gods; divine.
A chemical constituent of ragweed pollen that is related to absinthin.
ambrotype (s), ambrotypes (pl)
1. An early type of photograph made by imaging a negative on glass backed by a dark surface.
2. A picture taken on a place of prepared glass, in which the lights are represented in silver, and the shades are produced by a dark background visible through the unsilvered portions of the glass.
3. Etymology: from Greek ambrotos, "immortal".