humid-, humor- +

(Latin: moist, moisture, wet, damp)

The correct spelling of the Latin origins is umor, umere, umidus. The spelling with the initial h is a result of folk (false) etymology, which once associated these words with Latin humus, "earth".

dehumidify (verb), dehumidifies; dehumidified; dehumidifying
1. To remove excess humidity (moisture) from the air in a room or a building.
2. To make less humid or to remove atmospheric moisture from something or a place.
1. Containing or characterized by a great deal of water vapor or a relatively high level of moisture in the air.
2. Containing a high amount of water or water vapor; noticeably moist; such as, humid air; a humid climate.
1. The addition of moisture to the air, thereby increasing the latent heat.
2. The process of making an area moist or of increasing the moisture content; especially in the air.
1. A device or machine that keeps the air moist inside an enclosed space.
2. A machine, or special equipment, designed for increasing the humidity in a room, greenhouse, or other enclosure.
To make something, especially the air, more moist or damp.
humidistat, hygrostat (s) (noun); humidistats; hygrostats (pl)
A device used to indicate or to control the relative humidity in the air in a closed area: Jack decided to buy a humidistat or hygrostat, which he learned is an electronic instrument similar to a thermostat, but which reacts to moisture in the air, but not to the temperature.
1. The amount of moisture, or dampness, in the air.
2. A situation in which there is a high amount of moisture in the air.
Characterized by, or descriptive of, perceptible moisture especially to the point of being oppressive.
A container, often a box or jar, in which tobacco products; especially, cigars, can be stored to prevent them from drying out.
humor, humour (British)
1. A comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement.
2. That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor.
3. The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.
4. Etymology: from 1340, "fluid" or "juice of an animal or plant", from Anglo-Norman humour, from Old French humor, from Latin umor, "body fluid"; related to umere, "be wet, moist", and to uvescere, "become wet".

In ancient and medieval physiology, "any of the four body fluids" (blood, phlegm, choler, and melancholy or black bile) whose relative proportions were thought to determine the state of people's minds.

This led to a sense of "mood" or "temporary state of mind"; the sense of "amusing quality, funny" is first recorded in 1682, probably by way of the sense of "whim, caprice", which also produced the verb sense of "indulge".

humoresque (s) (noun), humoresques (pl)
1. A musical composition of humorous, unpredictable, or impulsive character.
2. A light or whimsical piece of music; especially, from the 19th-century.
1. The manner or disposition of a humorist; humorousness.
2. In medicine, humor refers to a fluid (or semifluid) substance.

As such, the aqueous humor is the fluid normally present in the front and rear chambers of the eye.

The humors were part of an ancient theory that held that health came from balance between the bodily liquids. These liquids were termed humors. Disease arose when imbalance occurred between the humors.

    The humors were:

  • Phlegm (water).
  • Blood
  • Gall (black bile thought to be secreted by the kidneys and spleen).
  • Choler (yellow bile secreted by the liver).

The humoral theory (also called humoralism was devised well before Hippocrates (c.460-c.375 BC). It was not definitively demolished until Rudolf Virchow published his formative book, Cellularpathologie, in 1858, which laid out the cellular basis of pathology.

Pathology now rests on a cellular and molecular foundation. The humors have been dispelled, except for the aqueous humor (and its related elements).

humorist (s), humorists (pl) (nouns)
1. Someone who acts, speaks, or writes in an amusing way; such as, a comedian.
2. Anyone known to be amusing and to have a quick wit.
3. A person who writes, or performs, comic material.
humorous (adjective)
1. Intended to be amusing and to make people laugh; being witty.
2. Full of, or characterized by being funny, comical; or by being facetious: "Originally the word humorous referred to a person's humors, or moods."

"A medieval book on medicine might include descriptions of humorous illnesses; however, these were not joke sicknesses. Now when people born after 1700 say something is humorous, it means they think it's funny and that it no longer indicates being sick as it was in its original usage."

Indicating, characterized by, or expressive of a sense of humor or amusement.

Related "jest; joke; wit; humor; funny" word units: faceti-; farc-; jocu-; lud-; satir-.