You searched for: “wrangle
Word Entries at Get Words: “wrangle
wrangle (s) (noun), wrangles (pl)
An argument or dispute that lasts for a long time: The employees have had a bitter salary wrangle with their company for over a month.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group W (page 3)
wrangle (verb), wrangles; wrangled; wrangling
1. To dispute, to haggle, or to speak in disagreement: Two men were wrangling in the restaurant about politics and, when they left, they continued to wrangle in the parking lot.
2. To obtain something by a clever method or by persuading someone to do whatever is desired by another person: Ralph was able to wrangle a 10% discount for the fresh apples he bought from the farmer.
3. To care for or to control horses, cattle, etc. on a farm or ranch: Chad has been wrangling horses on his ranch for the last twenty-five years.
To quarrel or to dispute angrily.
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To have angry or noisy quarrels.
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This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group W (page 3)
To get something by persuading someone to do it; to haggle, argue, or to speak in disagreement. (2)