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Word Entries at Get Words: “sight
sight (s) (noun), sights (pl)
1. The physical process through which a person or an animal becomes aware of color, light, or objects by using the eyes: Edmond noticed that his sight was weakening as he got older.

Morgan lost his sight when he was just five years old.

2. The act of seeing someone or something: Darleen said that she didn't know the neighbor's name but that she knew her by sight.

Corey faints at the sight of blood.

When suggestions were made at the meeting, the chairman maintained that they must not lose sight of their goals.

3. A position in which someone or something can be seen: When Kesha looked outside to see what the noise was, there was nothing in sight.
4. Goals or expectations: The manager of the store lowered his sights for monthly sales down by three percent.
5. A tool or device that is used to aim a gun: Emilio adjusted the sight of his rifle for greater accuracy as he was about to shoot at the target.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group S (page 5)
sight (verb), sights; sighted; sighting
Observing, perceiving, seeing, or viewing: The captain sighted another ship approaching on the horizon.

The tourists in the park were sighting several buffaloes and deer as they drove around.

This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group S (page 5)