You searched for: “neurocybernetics
neurocybernetics (s) (noun)
1. The study of communication and automatic governing systems in a mutual relationship with machines and living organisms: The organizational theory of neurocybernetics is based on the cognition of the structural and functional nature of the brain as the most complex biological self-organizating system.
2. In the physical sciences, the study of exchanging information and self-regulating control systems with a mutual relation to machines and individual living things: The general theory of neurocybernetics distinguishes three aspects of brain information activity: statistic, semantic, and pragmatic.
3. A science concerned with the processes of managing and the transfer of information in the nervous system: It is possible to identify three components of neurocybernetics: the organization, the regulation, and the theory of knowledge, based on three streams in the material world (substance, energy, and information).