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“hypermobile syndrome”
hypermobility syndrome, hypermobile syndrome
1. Unusual flexibility of the joints or greater than the normal range of motion in a joint, allowing them to be bent or moved beyond their normal range of motion.
3. Excessive joint play (movement) which permits increased mobility.
Hypermobility is often misused to describe extra movements as seen in a contortionist.
2. Increased range of the movement of joints, joint laxity, occurring normally in young children or as a result of disease; such as, Marfan's syndrome (disorder of connective tissue of musculoskeletal system or abnormal length of the limbs; especially the fingers and the toes) or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (disorder of the connective tissue; such as, joints that bend too easily into extensions).3. Excessive joint play (movement) which permits increased mobility.
The area where two bones meet is called a joint and all joints have a cavity containing a small amount of synovial fluid, which allows for movement.
The attached tendons, muscles, ligaments, and joint capsules hold the joints in their correct positions.
Looseness of these supporting structures allows a joint to have extra motion and often, even normal activities that put stress on loose joints will irritate them.
Hypermobility syndrome may include congenital hip dislocations; scoliosis (curvature of the spine); elbow, kneecap and/or shoulder dislocations; or frequent ankle or wrist sprains.
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hyper-, hyp-
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mobil-, mobi-
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