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A written description of the cartilages: Chondrography is a type of dense, non-vascular connective bodily tissue which is usually found at the end of bodily joints, the rib cage, the ear, the nose, in the throat and between inter vertebral disks.
A chondrography is a solid part of the animal body, between the bones and ligaments, which in the foetus is a substitute for bone, but in the adult exists only in the joints, at the extremities of the ribs, etc.
Cartilages of chondrographies are of a whitish color, flexible, compressible, and very elastic, and some of them are apparently inorganic.
This entry is located in the following units:
chondro-, chondr-, chrondrio-, chondri-, -chondriac, -chondrias, -chondromatous, -chondroma, -chondromas, -chondromata
(page 2)
grapho-, graph-, -graph, -graphy, -grapher, -graphia
(page 17)