You searched for: “blended
Word Entries at Get Words: “blended
blend (verb), blends; blended; blending
1. To gradually become the same as or a part of something else: Damien was blending three colors of paint into one.
2. To mix things thoroughly and usually with good results: Salina often blended fresh fruit and yogurt together for an afternoon snack.
3. To exist together as a combination: Two or more words are blended together to create the word “portmanteau”.

One example of a portmanteau is when "slang and language" are blended into "slanguage".

This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group B (page 6)
blended (adjective), more blended, most blended
1. Descriptive of that which is made from two or more kinds of a particular substance: Nena wore a new dress made of blended fabrics.
2. Illustrative of something that is made by mixing substances together: Blaine and Cherly drank blended fruit juices with their lunch.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group B (page 6)
(many blended words have entered English since the 1800's; a significant number of which are corporate brand names)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “blended
blended sentencing
Any type of sentencing procedure where either a criminal or juvenile court judge can impose both juvenile and/or adult incarcerative (imprisoning or confining) penalties.
This entry is located in the following unit: Criminal Court Words or Judicial Terms + (page 5)