You searched for: “be
(a collective term for all organic substances of relatively recent, non-geological, origin which can be used for energy production)
(dogs are considered to be the companions and best friends of humans and this list of terms will help all of us understand the topics that exist about our canine friends)
(examples of how words can be applied in abnormal ways)
(the four gemstones which are most valuable are diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds; and anyone would be impressed with a gift of a diamond, a sapphire, an emerald, or a ruby piece of jewelry)
(when visiting old graveyards and examining the epitaphs on gravestones, there are certain words and phrases which could be difficult or impossible to understand without knowing what the words in this unit mean)
(a description in which plants can be produced in containers filled with water and a number of other non-soil contents)
(a compilation of excerpts and quotes from past issues of magazines and books so they won't be lost in the present)
(There are estimated to be 10,000 million insects living in each square kilometer of habitable land on earth or 26,000 million per square mile)
(there are certain anatomic terms which present various situations; for example, a body part may be horizontal, as opposed to vertical; in front as opposed to being behind or at the back; above as opposed to being under, etc.)
(how some terms might be interpreted by those who lack professional vocabulary knowledge in the field of medicine)
(reversible English words that can be spelled forward and backward and still produce normal words with different meanings)
(An action which is considered to be bad and wrong.)
(there are many words which may be rarely seen by a vast number of people; however, they have been existing and they are still available for one's use or enlightenment)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “be
Eat drink and be merry (Ecclesiastes 8:15)
This entry is located in the following unit: Bible Quotations used in modern English (page 2)
The powers that be (Romans 13:1)
This entry is located in the following unit: Bible Quotations used in modern English (page 5)