You searched for: “bawled
Word Entries at Get Words: “bawled
bawl (BAWL) (verb), bawls; bawled; bawling
1. To cry, wail, howl, yowl, squall, or to weep: Little Jimmy was so upset that he started to bawl for his mother.

Chad was on his bed, bawling uncontrollably because he wanted to go out and play in the snow despite the fact that it was too cold.

2. To say or to shout something using a loud voice: The children were misbehaving so badly and the father was so frustrated, that he could only bawl at them to settle down.

Todd's boss bawled him out because he didn't attend the meeting as he was told.

"Get into the car!", the mother bawled at her two boys who were still fooling around in the yard.

The nursery was full of babies that were bawling.

This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group B (page 3)