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1. A person who is attracted towards masculinity: In the book Mary was reading, an androphile was described as a girl who thought she actually should have been born a boy.
2. In biology, the existence of an organism in proximity to mankind and preferring such closeness: Certain mosquitoes are androphiles in that they prefer to get blood from humans instead of animals.
2. In biology, the existence of an organism in proximity to mankind and preferring such closeness: Certain mosquitoes are androphiles in that they prefer to get blood from humans instead of animals.
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andro-, andr-, -ander, -andra, -andria, -andrian, -andric, -andrism, -androus, -andries, -andry
(page 5)
philo-, phil-, -phile, -philia, -philic, -philous, -phily, -philiac, -philist, -philism
(page 7)