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1. Male characteristics; having a masculinizing effect; simulating the action of androgen.
2. The state of a woman who lives full-time as a man. Unlike transvestic fetishism, in which cross-dressing appears episodically because it is required for erotic arousal and orgasm, the anderomimetic adopts the male role and appearance full-time and may undergo hormonal masculinization, hysterectomy, breast removal, or full sex-reassignment surgery.
2. The state of a woman who lives full-time as a man. Unlike transvestic fetishism, in which cross-dressing appears episodically because it is required for erotic arousal and orgasm, the anderomimetic adopts the male role and appearance full-time and may undergo hormonal masculinization, hysterectomy, breast removal, or full sex-reassignment surgery.
The counterpart of andromimesis in the male is gynemimesis.
This entry is located in the following units:
andro-, andr-, -ander, -andra, -andria, -andrian, -andric, -andrism, -androus, -andries, -andry
(page 4)
mimo-, mim-, -mimesis, -mimia, -mimetic, -mime, -mimic, -mimical, -mimically
(page 1)