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androgen, androgenic
1. Any substance that conduces to masculinization, such as the testicular hormone.
2. A substance, as a male sex hormone, capable of developing and maintaining certain male sexual characteristics.
3. Generic term for an agent, usually a hormone (e.g., androsterone, testosterone), that stimulates activity of the accessory male sex organs, encourages development of male sex characteristics, or prevents changes in the latter that follow castration; natural androgen’s are steroids, derivatives of androstane.
2. A substance, as a male sex hormone, capable of developing and maintaining certain male sexual characteristics.
3. Generic term for an agent, usually a hormone (e.g., androsterone, testosterone), that stimulates activity of the accessory male sex organs, encourages development of male sex characteristics, or prevents changes in the latter that follow castration; natural androgen’s are steroids, derivatives of androstane.
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andro-, andr-, -ander, -andra, -andria, -andrian, -andric, -andrism, -androus, -andries, -andry
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Word Entries at Get Words:
The general name for any male sex hormone: Androgen is the steroid sex hormone of a man, one of which is testosterone, and is produced in the testes.
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Anatomy and Related Anatomical Terms
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