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abjure (ab JOOR) (verb), abjures; abjured; abjuring
1. To renounce, repudiate, reject, or to give up rights or allegiance on oath: Kevin said he would abjure his citizenship if his country continued with its policies of war instead of negotiating peaceful solutions to international problems.
4. To beg or to earnestly entreat: Right after the final decision as to the prisoner's guilt, he started to abjure the judge for mercy.

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As their father, Tyrone felt it was necessary to abjure the habits of his children's excessive eating and sitting around playing computer games all the time and insisted on them exercising instead.
Pacifism abjures the use of deadly force.
2. To withdraw from or to recant publicly; to disclaim or to repudiate: Douglas abjured his life of bad eating and drinking habits when he determined to stop eating so much fried foods.Some of the prisoners abjured their past criminal acts during the religious service held in the prison on Sunday.
3. To formally reject rights, allegiances, etc. on oath; to renounce; to give up opinions publicly; to recant: The school principal wanted to be sure that Mildred abjured her false story about being tardy because her bus was late before she would be allowed to return to school.4. To beg or to earnestly entreat: Right after the final decision as to the prisoner's guilt, he started to abjure the judge for mercy.
Henry was abjuring his supervisor to give him another chance to complete the job which he failed to do on time.
5. Etymology: from Latin abjurare, "to swear to, to confirm, or to deny by an oath"; from ab-, "away" + jurare, "to swear"; from jus, juris, "law".

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To renounce, reject, or give up something by swearing or making an oath not to do it again. (2)
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