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zoogonous, zoogonic (adjective) (not comparable)
1. In zoology, referring to the delivery of live offspring from within the body of the parent; viviparous; Most mammals are zoogonous in that the mother gives birth after the baby has developed in the womb.
2. In botany, pertaining to seeds that sprout before falling to the earth: All seeds, including those that are zoogonous, need water, oxygen, and the right temperature in order to germinate.
2. In botany, pertaining to seeds that sprout before falling to the earth: All seeds, including those that are zoogonous, need water, oxygen, and the right temperature in order to germinate.
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zoo-, zoa-, zo-, -zoic, -zoid, -zoite, -zoal, -zonal, -zooid, -zoon, -zoa, -zoan
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