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wade, weighed
wade (WAYD) (verb)
1. To walk through water or anything that is difficult to walk through: It is nice to wade in the stream looking for pretty stones.

Frank had to wade through the tall grass to get to the top of the hill.

2. To become involved with something potentially risky or dangerous: Despite his better judgment, the police officer decided to wade into the unruly crowd.
weighed (WAYD) (verb)
1. Having found out how heavy someone or something was: Because Paula was dieting, she weighed two pounds less than she did a week ago.

Neil found out that the bananas weighed more than the pears.

2. Having thought carefully about something and formed an opinion or made a decision: Before making a decision about buying a new car, Ted weighed the pros and the cons.

Cindy was carrying her little brother on her back, whom she declared weighed a ton, when she tried to wade across the stream.