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weed, weed, we'd
weed (WEED) (noun)
A plant that grows very quickly where it is not wanted and covers or kills more desirable plants: "Danny missed pulling this weed in the garden earlier today."
weed (WEED) (verb)
To remove unwanted plants from an area of land; such as, a garden: "The gardener needs to weed this section of the garden."
we'd (WEED) (pronoun-verb)
Contractions of we had or we would: "We'd better get going or we'll be late even though we'd rather stay home."
"We'd love to have you stay over another night."
If there were very many wild plants growing in the yard, then we'd have to weed them out.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group W; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
(page 2)
(Greek: phorbe, fodder, from pherbein, to graze; by extension: fodder, food; any herb other than grass, a broadleaf herb; a weed)
Word Entries containing the term:
A device attached to the bow of a boat that can cut and clear a wide path through a weed-choked lake.
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aqua-, aquatic-, aqui-, aqu-, -aquatically, aque-, -aqueous
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