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2. A banneret or a pennant: Karl was an avid collector of vexilla from many countries.
3. In Roman antiquity, a square flag, hanging transversely from the end of a spear by a wooden crosspiece, used especially by the cavalry: Again, such a vexillum is shown on the right.
4. In botany, the large upper posterior petal in a pea flower: The vexillum in a plant is also called the "banner" or the "standard".
5. In some ecclesiastical situations, a processional standard, banner, or cross: The following image is the Vatican City flag which is an example of a Catholic or church vexillum.

Word Entries containing the term:
Vexilla regis prodeunt.(Latin composition)
Translation: "The banners of the king come forth" is the title of a hymn on the Passion of Christ, written by Vanantius Fortunatus, bishop of Poitiers (died about A.D. 600) and assigned to Vespers during Passiontide.
Vexilla regis prodeunt,
Fulget crucis mysterium,
Qua vita mortem pertulit
Et morta vitam protulit.
Abroad the royal banners fly
And bear the gleaming Cross on high-
That Cross whereon Life suffered death
And gave us life with dying breath.