The little girl was so enchanted by the vernal greenness of the garden that she committed a venial act of picking the flowers.
The house and garden belonged to a stranger whom the neighbors thought of as venal because there were rumors that he had been arrested for committing fraud.
2. Appearing or occurring in the time before summer: It was easy to observe the vernal migratory movements of the birds.
The vernal season is the period that extends from late April to late May in the northern hemisphere.
3. Appropriate to or suggesting the time after winter; springlike: It was wonderful to see the vernal greenery again.4. Suggestive of youth; characteristic of youth; such as, being vigorous and fresh: The elderly couple often had vernal longings for their young days.
The vernal equinox occurs on March 20 or 21 and the autumnal equinox on September 22 or 23, marking the beginning of spring and autumn, respectively, in the Northern Hemisphere (and the reverse in the Southern Hemisphere).
The term "equinox" comes from Latin meaning "equal night" because the days on which an equinox falls have about equal periods of sunlight and darkness.
The vernal pools don't contain fish and provide important breeding habitats for many terrestrial or semiaquatic species; such as, frogs, salamanders, and turtles.