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verbal (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Dealing in or with words, especially with mere words in contrast to things or realities: The new job requires someone with strong verbal skills.
2. Pertaining to the use of many words; talkative, verbose: Sometimes Alice is just too verbal and never seems to know when to stop talking.
3. Regarding the interest in the mere words of a literary composition: Ton's composition turned out to be full of clever verbal expressions.
4. Consisting or composed of words; of or pertaining to, manifested in, words: The two students had a verbal agreement to start the project.
5. In diplomacy, a spoken or oral and unsigned note: A verbal memorandum can be sent as a mere reminder of some matter not of immediate importance.
6. Concerning a tendency to talk too much; extreme verbosity: Sally was constantly chatting to others or to herself and her friends termed her as having a case of verbal diarrhea!
7. A reference to something that is expressed or conveyed only by speech: Verbal communication takes place instead of writing and stated or delivered by word of mouth.
This entry is located in the following units: -al; -ial, -eal (page 20) verbo-, verb-, verbi- (page 3)
verbal (s), verbals (pl) (noun forms)
1. A statement, specifically a damaging admission, alleged to have been made by a suspected criminal and offered in evidence against him at a trial: "He admitted in his verbal to the arresting officer that he did break into the restaurant after it was closed and stole food."
2. A noun, or other part of speech, derived from a verb; for example, a form of a verb ending in "-ing" used as a noun: "Dancing" as in "she teaches dancing."

Nouns like "walking" and "sleeping," as well as adjectives like "bored" and "exhausted" are verbals.

  • "Walking was difficult in this heat."
  • "Sleeping was the only cure for his exhaustion."
  • "He was told that exhausted was no excuse for driving off into the ditch."
  • "Bored was one reason for going home before the end of the concert."
This entry is located in the following unit: verbo-, verb-, verbi- (page 3)
Word Entries containing the term: “verbal
verbal agraphia
Agraphia (a mental inability to write properly) in which single letters can be written, but not words.
This entry is located in the following unit: verbo-, verb-, verbi- (page 3)