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vent (verb), vents; vented; venting
1. To express one's feelings or emotions: Susan called up her best friend to vent her anger of how her brother treated her unfairly.
2. To present a person's complaints: Jan vented her displeasure to the store's sale's department because she wanted her money back for the dress which she purchased that didn't fit her daughter properly.
3. To air out something or expose it to fresh air: Jackie hung out her dress to vent it in the cool breeze.
4. Etymology: from Latin ventus, "wind".

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2. To present a person's complaints: Jan vented her displeasure to the store's sale's department because she wanted her money back for the dress which she purchased that didn't fit her daughter properly.
3. To air out something or expose it to fresh air: Jackie hung out her dress to vent it in the cool breeze.
4. Etymology: from Latin ventus, "wind".

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A unit related to:
(Latin: split, cleave, cut into, cleft; vent; break into parts, separate)
(Latin: come, coming)
(Latin: air, wind)
Word Entries containing the term:
A geyser on the sea bottom through which super-hot aqueous solutions rise from the magma beneath the crust; hydrothermal vent:
Deep-sea vents create a surrounding system of mineral-rich water that helps to support a distinctive type of ecosystem not found in typical cold-water environments at the same ocean depth.
1. A fissure in the sea bottom through which hot aqueous solutions rise from the magma beneath the crust; a hot spring: Hydrothermal vents are located on the seabed mainly along the central axes of the ridges in mid-ocean.
2. A geyser on the sea bottom through which super-hot aqueous solutions rise from the magma beneath the earth's crust: The hydrothermal vents create a surrounding system of mineral-rich water which helps to support a distinctive type of ecosystem not found in typical cold-water environments at the same ocean depth.
2. A geyser on the sea bottom through which super-hot aqueous solutions rise from the magma beneath the earth's crust: The hydrothermal vents create a surrounding system of mineral-rich water which helps to support a distinctive type of ecosystem not found in typical cold-water environments at the same ocean depth.
This entry is located in the following units:
hydro-, hydra-, hydr-, hyd-
(page 13)
thermo-, therm-, thermi-, -thermia, -therm, -thermal, -thermic, -thermias, -thermies, -thermous, -thermy
(page 11)
(page 1)
A light pastry shell containing a ragout of fish or meat.
This entry is located in the following unit:
volan-, vola-, volat-
(page 1)