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1. A device or structure for transporting people or things; a conveyance; such as, a wagon: The vehicle, which the North American pioneers used, was drawn by oxen or mules.
2. A self-propelled conveyance that runs on tires: Vehicles are designed to transport passengers or items over land and include automobiles, trucks, busses, and railway cars.
4. The concrete or specific word or phrase that is applied to the main message of a metaphor and gives it a figurative power: Shakespeare used the metaphor of a shadow as the vehicle of expression when he wrote "Life's but a walking shadow."
5. A play, a role, or a piece of music used to display the special talents of one performer or company: Performing the concerto with the orchestra was to be the vehicle to success for Tim Tom.
6. A substance of no therapeutic value but which is used to convey an active medicine for administration: The ingredients listed on the package of vitamins included water-soluble glucose as one of the vehicles in the formulation of the capsule.
7. A substance; such as, oil, in which paint pigments are mixed for applications: Egg yoke is used by some artists as the vehicle for applying paint to canvas surfaces.
8. Any inanimate object that can transmit infectious agents from one person to another: A towel, money, clothing, dishes, books, or toys, etc. can be the vehicles by which other people can become infected with a disease from other users.
9. Etymology: from about 1612, (in medical use) a medium through which a drug or medicine is administered; around 1615, any means of "conveying" or "transmitting"; borrowed from French vehicule, and directly from Latin vehiculum, "a means of transport"; "a vehicle" came from vehere, "to carry".
2. A self-propelled conveyance that runs on tires: Vehicles are designed to transport passengers or items over land and include automobiles, trucks, busses, and railway cars.
Generally, vehicles that transport people also involve aircraft, ships, motorcycles, motorbikes, and even bicycles.
3. A medium through which something is transmitted, expressed, or accomplished: Harry's written statements are a vehicle for presenting his political views.4. The concrete or specific word or phrase that is applied to the main message of a metaphor and gives it a figurative power: Shakespeare used the metaphor of a shadow as the vehicle of expression when he wrote "Life's but a walking shadow."
5. A play, a role, or a piece of music used to display the special talents of one performer or company: Performing the concerto with the orchestra was to be the vehicle to success for Tim Tom.
6. A substance of no therapeutic value but which is used to convey an active medicine for administration: The ingredients listed on the package of vitamins included water-soluble glucose as one of the vehicles in the formulation of the capsule.
7. A substance; such as, oil, in which paint pigments are mixed for applications: Egg yoke is used by some artists as the vehicle for applying paint to canvas surfaces.
8. Any inanimate object that can transmit infectious agents from one person to another: A towel, money, clothing, dishes, books, or toys, etc. can be the vehicles by which other people can become infected with a disease from other users.
9. Etymology: from about 1612, (in medical use) a medium through which a drug or medicine is administered; around 1615, any means of "conveying" or "transmitting"; borrowed from French vehicule, and directly from Latin vehiculum, "a means of transport"; "a vehicle" came from vehere, "to carry".
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veh-, vect-
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A unit related to:
(Greek: wagon, vehicle)
(Latin: wagon, cart; wheeled vehicle)
(Latin > French: device for calculating a distance traveled (in a vehicle for hire) and the corresponding fare is charged)
Word Entries containing the term:
electric vehicle, EV
1. A vehicle that is powered solely by an electrochemical power source; such as, a battery or a fuel cell.
2. Any ground vehicle whose original source of energy is electric power; such as, an electric car or an electric locomotive.
2. Any ground vehicle whose original source of energy is electric power; such as, an electric car or an electric locomotive.
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electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 15)
front axle of a vehicle, steer axle
The most forward axle used for steering and the axle to which the front wheels are attached.
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front-, fronto-
(page 2)
fuel-cell vehicle, fuel cell vehicle
An electric-drive vehicle that derives the power for its drive motor(s) from a fuel cell system.
2. A hybrid fuel cell vehicle also derives drive motor power from a supplemental battery or ultracapacitor.
2. A hybrid fuel cell vehicle also derives drive motor power from a supplemental battery or ultracapacitor.
A term for a motor vehicle which has a relatively small production output and that is sold to a just a few people in the general market: A niche vehicle usually is a very expensive item; such as, an expensive sports car, that only a limited number of purchasers can afford to pay the such a high price.
Various control systems that are intended to help avoid collisions, to prevent or to decrease injuries when auto crashes take place, and ultimately to lead to full vehicle automation: A few existing vehicle control technologies include adaptive cruise controls, antilock brakes, and electronic malfunction indicators.
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veh-, vect-
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Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
alternative-fuel vehicle (AFV)
A vehicle designed to operate on an alternative fuel; for example, compressed natural gas, methane blend, and electricity.
The vehicle could be either a dedicated vehicle designed to operate exclusively on alternative fuel or a nondedicated vehicle designed to operate on alternative fuel and/or a traditional fuel.
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Energy Sources and Related Information +
(page 1)
bi-fuel vehicle
A motor vehicle that operates on two different fuels, but not on a mixture of the fuels.
Each fuel is stored in a separate tank.
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Energy Sources and Related Information +
(page 1)
electric hybrid vehicle
An electric vehicle that either operates solely on electricity, but contains an internal combustion motor that generates additional electricity (series hybrid); or it contains an electric system and an internal combustion system and is capable of operating on either system (a parallel hybrid).
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Energy Sources and Related Information +
(page 2)
electric motor vehicle
A motor vehicle powered by an electric motor that draws current from rechargeable storage batteries, fuel cells, photovoltaic arrays, or other sources of electric current.
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Automobile or Related Car Terms
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Energy Sources and Related Information +
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