2. Swollen, knotted, or distended to a greater extent than normal.
3. Affected with or having varicose veins.
4. Relating to or producing swelling.
5. Resembling a small longitudinal ridge varix (knotted) on the shell of some gastropods.
The associated veins also may be dilated and pulsating.
An aneurysm is a localized widening (dilatation) of an artery, vein, or the heart. At the area of an aneurysm, there is typically a bulge and the wall is weakened and may rupture.
The word aneurysm comes from the Greek aneurysma meaning "a widening".
When thrombophlebitis (inflammation of a vein that occurs when a blood clot forms) develops in varicose veins, this leads to venous stasis and eventually edema (swelling of soft tissues as a result of excess water accumulation) and ulcer formation.
Venous stasis refers to the congestion and slowing of circulation in veins due to blockage by either an obstruction or high pressure in the venous system, usually best seen in the feet and legs.
Edema is often more prominent in the lower legs and feet toward the end of the day as a result of the pooling of fluid from the upright position maintained during the day. Upon awakening from sleeping, patients can have swelling around the eyes referred to as "periorbital edema".
This condition may occur in almost any part of the body, but it is most common in the lower extremities and in the esophagus.
It shows up as pain in the feet and ankles, swelling, and ulcers on the skin characterize this condition. Severe bleeding occurs if the vein is injured.
The condition is caused by incompetent venous valves that may be acquired or congenital. The development of varicose veins is promoted and aggravated by pregnancy, obesity, and occupations that require prolonged standing.
Esophageal varices are caused by portal hypertension that accompanies cirrhosis (abnormal liver condition characterized by irreversible scarring) of the liver.
More about Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are dilated tortuous (with many turns or bends) veins occurring in about fifteen per cent of adults; women more than men.
They most commonly occur in the legs, but they may also occur in the anal canal (hemorrhoids) and in the esophagus (as a result of a liver disease).
This flow, back towards the heart, is aided by valves within the veins. When these valves fail, increased pressure is exerted on the blood vessels leading to dilatations (dilated or stretched beyond normal dimensions) known as varicose veins.