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The cutaneous and sometimes systemic reactions associated with vaccinations with smallpox vaccine.
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vaccino-, vaccin-, vaccini-, vacci-, vacc- +
(page 3)
Word Entries containing the term:
fetal vaccinia (pl) (noun)
Vaccinia of the fetus due to bloodborne dissemination of vaccinia virus in a pregnant woman after a primary smallpox vaccination. It is frequently lethal to the fetus.
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vaccino-, vaccin-, vaccini-, vacci-, vacc- +
(page 1)
progressive vaccinia, vaccinia gangrenosa (pl) (nouns)
A rare but often fatal complication of smallpox vaccination in those with deficient immune mechanisms or receiving immunosuppressive therapy, characterized by tissue necrosis that spreads from the inoculation site, which may result in metastatic vaccinial lesions in the skin, bones, and viscera.
This entry is located in the following units:
grad-, -grade, -gred, -gree, -gress
(page 6)
vaccino-, vaccin-, vaccini-, vacci-, vacc- +
(page 2)