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1. A small, soft appendage extending down from the middle of the lower edge of the soft palate (part of the roof of the mouth): The uvula is composed of muscle and connective tissue, with a covering of mucous membrane that can be seen dangling down at the back of the tongue.
The uvula is described variously as being shaped like a U, a tear, or a grape. Its name comes from the Latin word meaning "grape"; however, it looks more like a small finger than a grape.
A photograph of a person's uvula as shown at the back of his or her mouth just above the tongue.
Generally, a person's uvula moves upward when he or she says "Ah".
Some people have been known to say that the uvula vibrates during singing or shouting; however, it has nothing to do with the voice.
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uvul-, uvulo-
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(Greek: uvula; the small piece of soft tissue that can be seen dangling down from the soft palate over the back of the tongue)
(Greek: bunch of grapes, uvula [that which resembles a grape hanging from a stock]; staphylococci, grape-shaped bacteria occurring in irregular clusters)
Word Entries containing the term:
The little V-shaped fleshy protuberance hanging from the back of the soft palate (part of the roof of the mouth) which is split into two parts: The bifid uvula consists of muscle and tissue that dangles in two sections instead of one which is normal.
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A slight projection into the cavity of the bladder, usually more prominent in older men: The uvula of the bladder is located just behind the urethral opening that marks the location of the middle lobe of the prostate gland.
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uvul-, uvulo-
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A conical protuberance from the back edge of the middle of the soft palate: The function of the uvula of the soft palate is to prevent food from entering the nasal cavity.
During swallowing, the uvula of the soft palate moves upward with the soft palate.