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udder, utter
udder (UHD uhr) (noun)
The bag-shaped part of a cow, goat, etc., that hangs below the belly and produces milk: "You can milk a cow when the udder is full."
utter (UHT uhr) (verb)
1. To make a particular sound: "Did she really utter a cry of pleasure when you told her the good news?"
2. To say something: "Don't utter a word or say anything about our upcoming marriage."
2. To say something: "Don't utter a word or say anything about our upcoming marriage."
An udder is the milk faucets on a cow.
The cow was heard to utter a sigh of relief after her udder was milked and she was sent back out to pasture for the evening.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group U; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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