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unilateral (adjective), more unilateral, most unilateral
1. A reference to an action which has been decided on and which affects only one country, side, person, etc. involved: Only one nation resolved to carry out a unilateral disarmament, and it proved to be most difficult to accomplish.
2. Relating to or affecting only one side of an organ of the body or any other structure: Jeff's nose was examined for obstructing polyps and they were found to be unilateral, or in his left nostril, and not bilateral.
3. Etymology: from Latin unus, "one, unique" + lateralis or latus, "sided" or "the side, the flank of humans or animals."
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2. Relating to or affecting only one side of an organ of the body or any other structure: Jeff's nose was examined for obstructing polyps and they were found to be unilateral, or in his left nostril, and not bilateral.
3. Etymology: from Latin unus, "one, unique" + lateralis or latus, "sided" or "the side, the flank of humans or animals."
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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
This entry is located in the following units:
latero-, later-, lateri-, -lateral, -laterally
(page 4)
uni-, un-
(page 4)
Word Entries containing the term:
monocular strabismus, monolateral strabismus, unilateral strabismus, uniocular strabismus (s) (noun)
A deviation of the same eye
unilateral hemianopia
Hemianopsia affecting only one eye.
This entry is located in the following units:
op-, opt-, optico-, opsi-, opso-, -opia, -ops, -opsia, -opsis, -opsy, -optic, -opic, -opy
(page 10)
uni-, un-
(page 4)