You searched for: “unciform
1. Having the shape of a hook; being of a curved or hooked from; hooklike.
2. Unciform bone, a bone of the carpus (wrist) at the bases of the fourth and fifth metacarpals (five cylindrical bones extending from the wrist to the fingers); the hamatum (curved or hook-form).
This entry is located in the following unit: unci-, unc-, uncin- + (page 1)
Word Entries containing the term: “unciform
unciform bone
1. The wrist bone in line with the 4th and 5th fingers.
2. The hamate bone or the medial carpal bone in the row of carpal bones occurring closer to the fingers and farther from the wrist.
This entry is located in the following unit: unci-, unc-, uncin- + (page 1)