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abridged, unabridged
abridged (uh BRIJD) (verb)
1. Shortened; to decrease, to condense, or to digest: The book was abridged to a more readable length.
2. Restrict, limit, curtail, diminish, deprive a person of, take away: No country should be allowed to have citizens who have been abridged of their legal rights.
2. Restrict, limit, curtail, diminish, deprive a person of, take away: No country should be allowed to have citizens who have been abridged of their legal rights.
unabridged (un" uh BRIJD) (adjective)
Entire, in full, not shortened, complete: There is an unabridged dictionary on the library table; as well as, an unabridged book about etymologies.
After the famous author submitted an unabridged version of his epic poem to an editor, he abridged the original version for publication in the magazine.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Confusing Words Clarified: Group A; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc.
(page 1)
unabridged (un" uh BRIJD)
Entire, in full, not shortened, complete: "There is an unabridged dictionary on the library table; as well as, an unabridged book about etymologies."
unabridged (adjective)
Not abridged, reduced, or shortened; the complete or full version. In modern use, specifically of literary works: "Technically, any dictionary; even a child's elementary dictionary, is an unabridged dictionary if it has never been abridged, that is cut down from a larger into a briefer edition."
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brevi-, brev- [brie-, bri-] +
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