You searched for: “ultimum
The final point or limit.
This entry is located in the following unit: ultim- + (page 2)
Word Entries containing the term: “ultimum
A primo ad ultimum. (Latin motto)
Translation: "From first to last."
Ad finem ultimum. (Latin motto)
Translation: "To the final end."

Said to be the motto of the Canadian Space Agency.

ultimum moriens
1. The last thing dying, the last to die.
2. In medicine, a reference to the right atrium (chamber of the heart); said to be the last part of the body to stop moving in the process of dying.
3. The right atrium of the heart, believed to contract after the rest of the heart is still.
This entry is located in the following unit: ultim- + (page 2)
ultimum supplicium
Extreme punishment or penalty; the punishment of death.
This entry is located in the following unit: ultim- + (page 2)
Ultimum supplicium esse mortem solam interpretamur.
The most extreme punishment we consider to be death alone: used in law.
This entry is located in the following units: mort-, mor-, mori-, morti- + (page 6) ultim- + (page 2)