You searched for:
“to show”
Units related to:
“to show”
(Latin: to point out, to display, to show)
(Latin: window; in anatomy, a small opening in a bone; to bring to light, to show)
(Greek: to show; to make visible, to manifest, to open)
(Greek: to show, to appear, or to display; making evident; literally, "to come to light" or "to bring to light")
(Latin: good will or support; to show kindness to; to be inclined toward good will, to befriend)
(Greek: a suffix; one connected with, inhabitant of; also used to show chemicals, minerals, etc.)
(A suffix that forms adjectives and examples that are used to show them.)
(Latin: reciprocus, turning back the same way, alternating; turning backward and forward; to give, to do, to feel, or to show in return)