You searched for: “suppurative
1. Producing or associated with the generation of pus.
2. Related to the formation of pus.
3. An agent producing pus formation.
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Word Entries containing the term: “suppurative
suppurative endophthalmitis
Septic inflammation of the uveal (part of the eye) with pus formation.
suppurative inflammation
An inflammatory process producing a purulent exudate plus death and liquefaction necrosis of the associated fixed tissue.

It is distinguished from purulent inflammation by necrosis of fixed tissue.

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suppurative labyrinthitis
Labyrinthitis, or inflammation of the canals and cavities of the inner ear; resulting from bacterial invasion, characterized by all of the diagnostic evidence of infection, including the production of pus cells.
This entry is located in the following units: labyrinth- + (page 1) suppurant-, suppura- (page 1)
suppurative mastitis
Inflammation of the breast with the formation of pus.
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suppurative meningitis
Meningitis due to a pyogenic organism; such as, Streptococcus penumoniae.
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suppurative parotitis
Suppurating inflammation of the parotid (salivary) gland, usually due to Staphylococcus aureus and associated with chronic debilitating disease or blockage of the parotid gland by a calculus; characterized by local pain and swelling, often with fever and chills.
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