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strabismus (s) (noun)
1. A visual defect in which the two eyes can't coordinately focus because of an imbalance in their extra-ocular muscles: "People with strabismus have a tendency to squint in order to compensate for their imperfect focusing."
"Essentially there are two kinds of strabismus:
- When one or both eyes turn inwardly (esotropia, from Greek eso-, "inward" + trope, "turning").
- When one or both eyes turn outwardly (exotropia, from Greek ex-, "out" + trope, "turning").
"The danger with strabismus is that the brain may come to rely more on input from one eye than the other, and the part of the brain circuitry that is connected to the less-favored eye may fail to develop properly, leading to amblyopia (weakened vision or blindness) in that eye."
"The classic treatment for mild to moderate strabismus is to cover the stronger eye with a patch, forcing the weaker eye to be more active and to become more normal."
"Severe strabismus may require surgery."
Word Entries containing the term:
apparent strabismus (s) (noun)
The cosmetic appearance that gives the impression that there is ocular deviation which is caused by the anatomic configurations of the eyelids or pupils while in actuality, the lines of sight are normally straight.
horizontal strabismus (s) (noun)
Ocular deviation that is shown as the misalignment of the eyes from a side-to-side level.
monocular strabismus, monolateral strabismus, unilateral strabismus, uniocular strabismus (s) (noun)
A deviation of the same eye
nonconcomitant strabismus (s) (noun)
A disorder of an eye which varies in degree with the change in direction in which the eye moves.
periodic strabismus (s) (noun)
Abnormal eye squinting which is different in amount or existence depending on how the eyes are being used.