You searched for: “stalker
stalk, stalk, stalker
stalk (STAWK) (noun)
The main supportive stem of certain plants: "The recipe called for one stalk of chopped celery."
stalk (STAWK) (verb)
1. To hunt or to follow prey in a secretive manner: "The farmer and his son decided to stalk the chickens to see where they laid their eggs in the unfenced area of their farm."
2. To walk in a stiff manner: "When the police officer was concentrating, he seemed to stalk about the office as if he were angry."
stalker (STAWK uhr) (noun)
An individual or animal which hunts or follows prey in a clandestine manner: "Our favorite cat is an excellent stalker of field mice."

As part of a jungle expedition, the cameraman acted like a stalker who was trying to stalk strange insects. Once he saw a beautiful butterfly land on the stalk of a very unusual plant.