2. To speak, to write, or to express something in a way that shows intense or uncontrolled emotion: The newspaper headlines did indeed scream about the increase in crime of the downtown area.
3. To produce a vivid impression or startling effect: The colors of Ellaine's pink sweater and orange blouse seemed to scream at each other.
4. To make a very loud, high sound: The woman could only scream when her husband drove into the fire hydrant and hit a tree early in the morning.
In New York City, the sirens scream day and night and this is something Jane never really got used to.
It is no doubt just their imagination going wild, but some visitors claim that they can hear a scream from the picture of The Scream by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch in the National Gallery of Oslo, Norway.
The shriek of an engine’s whistle causes pain in some people's ears.
The woman let out a shriek when she saw and felt the mouse running over her foot.
2. A loud, ear-piercing laugh: The little girl gave a shriek of delight when her daddy came home from work.Each child greeted the other one with a shriek of joy.
The puppy started to squeal when Carrie stepped on its tail.
2. Slang: to inform on someone; to betray, or to expose one's accomplices: Charlotte was getting ready to squeal to the police after seeing her neighbor break into another house and carry out a TV set.When the famous rock band came to our city, the young girls gathered on the streets to scream and to squeal their enthusiasm. The noise was deafening, causing such an alarm that the police arrived with a shriek of a siren and then stopped with a sudden screech of the brakes.
Tim's puppy squealed when the woman stepped on its tail.
2. Slang: to become an informer or to tell legal authorities about another person who is doing unlawful things: Pete accused his close friend of squealing on him when she testified in court about his criminal activities.
3. Etymology: from Old Norse skvala, "to cry out."