It was an especial honor to listen to the professor talk about spacial relationships in architecture.
It was a special moment to see my favorite building highlighted in the discussion.
2. Related to that which is distinct among others of a kind: "Adrian used a special type of paint for the doors of his house."
"The doctor recommended a special medication for Neil's illness."
3. Descriptive of something that is primary: "Martha's special satisfaction comes from doing volunteer work at the local food bank for homeless people."
4. Referring to something that has a limited or specific function, application, or scope: "Claude had a special role in the drama."
5. Arranged for a particular occasion or purpose: "Julie's mother was preparing for a special visit from her daughter and children."
6. That which is regarded with particular affection and admiration: "Amy was happy to see her special friend again after so many years".
7. Some kind of additional quality or which is beyond the normal: "The airline was advertising a special price for their holiday-luxury flights."