You searched for: “spasmodic
1. A reference to, or of the nature of, a spasm.
2. Relating to, affected by, or having the character of a spasm; convulsive.
3. Happening intermittently; fitful: "We could hear spasmodic rifle fire from the hunters."
4. Given to sudden outbursts of energy or feeling; excitable.
This entry is located in the following unit: spasmo-, spasm-, spas- + (page 3)
Word Entries containing the term: “spasmodic
spasmodic rigidity
The contraction of uterine musculature just above the cervix (necklike opening to the uterus where a baby or fetus can grow), resulting in relative rigidity of the cervix.
This entry is located in the following unit: rigi-, rig- (page 3)